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“Enhance Palau Private Sector to Work Against Corruption" Project with UNODC (2021-2023)

Conduct Trainings to Enhance Awareness

Palau Chamber of Commerce conducted over 10 trainings between 2022 and 2023 to different target groups, including youth, women, and various industries, to enhance awareness about doing business right and to work again corruption in Palau.

Create Networking Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs in Palau find it hard to connect with other women to share triumphs, challenges, and ideas to support their businesses. Palau Chamber of Commerce conducted networking events for women doing business in Palau in 2022 and in 2023.

Learning Anti-Human Trafficking SOPS to Support the Work Against Corruption

On September 12, 2023, Palau Chamber of Commerce invited the Office of Vice-President and Minister of Justice to share about steps needed to improve Palau's labor mobility and anti-human trafficking efforts.  

Palau Chamber of Commerce Donates to School Sports to Promote Integrity

12/15/2023 - KOROR, PALAU
The Palau Chamber of Commerce donated igloos to the elementary schools participating school sports competition. The donations is part of the recent project with the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to promote integrity in business and community. The Chamber chose to donate igloos to encourage and support drinking water during school and sporting events. Drinking clean water is a foundation to strong and healthy people and communities.

Immediately after the Basketball Championship games for Palau’s Central Elementary School on December 7, 2023, Palau Chamber of Commerce president Ltelatk Fritz and president-elect Vivien Ngirarsaol-Protine joined the awarding ceremony to handover the igloos to the teams and school officials present. With the donation, PCOC encouraged the attendees to play with integrity by staying healthy, following the rules, and staying away from drugs and alcohol.

#ChooseGood #DoRight


Micronesia Subregional Private Sector Climate Change Workshop

The Palau Chamber of Commerce  partnered with the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) in co-hosting the 2nd Micronesia Subregional workshop in Koror, Palau this past June 2023.


The three-day workshop included presentation from climate change representatives and Chambers of Commerce management from each of the five island nations--Palau, FSM, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, and Nauru. Then attendees listened to various climate change financers/donors share about opportunities for the private sector.

The third day included a tour of some of Palau's private sector businesses and in high-risk areas, as well as local producer markets to see how climate change is current impacting or will impact lives in the coming years. 

Report for the Workshop

ILO Informal Economies
Recovery Project

A project with UN's International Labour Organization as part of the United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund for COVID-19 recovery project - "Inclusive Economic Recovery through Sustainable Enterprises in the Informal Economies of Fiji, Palau, Tonga, and Vanuatu." 


Integrity and Anti-Corruption Project

A partnership with the United Nations Pacific Region Anti-Corruption Office and the Palau Chamber of Commerce in 2021. Outcomes of the project included a Women In Business Anti-Corruption Toolkit and a Youth Statement.


COVID-19 Guidelines for MSMEs

General guidelines form micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises. This project was an extended component to the Inclusive Economic Recovery through Sustainable Enterprises in the Informal Economies of Fiji, Palau, Tonga, and Vanuatu" project with UN's International Labour Organization. 

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PCOC Onboarding Handbook for Board Members

Palau Chamber of Commerce conducted a workshop on creating Codes of Conduct for businesses in Palau's private sector.


The Palau Chamber of Commerce is excited to introduce Cress Consulting as the winner of the bid to conduct the private sector mapping for Palau. This technical assistance is provided by the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat under the PACRES Project and is a follow up to the recent Micronesia Subregional Private Sector Workshop on Climate Finance.

The aim of the Private Sector Mapping will identify what businesses in the private sector face as challenges or risks to the impact of climate change, such as sea level rise, increase rainfall, stronger storms, etc...

An online survey has been started to collect important, accurate, relevane information from private sector businesses. Palau Chamber of Commerce is urging all businesses of any size to participate in this survey to let us know what risks you are currently facing or anticipate, what challenges your business recently faced, and how much it will cost your to make your business more resilient.

To participate you have several options:

  • Scan the QR code and complete the survey.

  • Click on the link and complete the survey.

  • Stop by the Palau Chamber Office at PCC Tourism Buildng behind the Cafeteria to fill out a hard copy of the survey.

Businesses can also register to participate in the upcoming mid-term validation of the survey on September 1, 2023. Space is limited so participants have to register before August 23, 2023.


Palau Chamber of Commerce

Phone: +(680) 488-3400

Cell: +(680) 775-3400

Fax: +(680) 488-3401

P.O. Box 1742 Koror, Palau PW 96940

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