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Looking for Consultants to submit Tenders

Request for Tender is extended until May 19, 2023.

The Palau Chamber of Commerce is sharing this Consulting Services Opportunity with the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) under the Pacific Resilience Project funded by EU PACRES Project. In essence, the consultant will be working with PACRES and Palau Chamber of Commerce to conduct a mapping of Palau's private sector.

Details about this opportunity can be viewed below. The advertisement can be downloaded for review. The Terms of Reference (TOR) can be downloaded from

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Palau Chamber of Commerce

Phone: +(680) 488-3400

Cell: +(680) 775-3400

Fax: +(680) 488-3401

P.O. Box 1742 Koror, Palau PW 96940

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