Happy New Year from the Palau Chamber of Commerce!
Our organization would like to inform the public that the Palau Chamber of Commerce moved office to the Palau Tourism and Hospitality School of Excellence located on Palau
Community College Campus, behind the Cafeteria Building.
This new location will allow the PCOC to build a stronger connection and partnership
with the Palau Community College and the community at large.
Office Hours are Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and closed on
Weekends (Saturday and Sunday).
Our contact email is palauchamberofcommerce@gmail.com and you can call us at +680
488-3400 or +680 775-3400.
The PCOC Board of Directors would like to give our outmost thanks to Palasia Hotel
Palau for the long-term partnership and for hosting the Belau Tourism Association for
the past few years until December 2021.
The Palau Chamber of Commerce would like to wish everyone a prosperous and successful 2022!